Introduction to Simulation Nodes in Blender

Learn how to create your own particle system from scratch in Blender 3.6 using the new simulation nodes. This three-part tutorial series aims to serve as an introduction to simulation nodes and make some of the underlying concepts clearer to beginners.

In the first video Gottfried Hofmann introduces viewers to simulation nodes in Blender 3.6. He explains how to create a particle system from scratch using simulation nodes. The goal is to create an adjustable particle system that renders nicely in Cycles. The video walks through the process of setting up simulation nodes and demonstrates how to make particles accumulate over time. It also addresses the challenges of working with simulation nodes and provides concepts to optimize performance. The tutorial sets the foundation for understanding node-based particle systems in Blender.

In the second part of this tutorial series, Gottfried Hofmann continues to explore simulation nodes in Blender 3.6. This time, the focus is on enhancing the particle system by adding turbulence to the particles' movement. He demonstrates how to control particle movement using noise textures and vector math. He explains how to adjust the noise scale and strength to achieve the desired particle behavior. Additionally, the video covers how to introduce changes over time to create dynamic particle simulations and how to control the lifespan of particles for a more realistic effect.

In the third installment of the tutorial series, Gottfried Hofmann concludes the exploration of simulation nodes by focusing on shading, rendering, and building the final asset. The video covers how to set up shading for the particle system, emphasizing the importance of using Cycles for rendering due to Blender's limited support for point cloud rendering. He demonstrates how to create a shader that changes particle colors based on their age and how to add transparency for a fading effect. The tutorial also touches on rendering optimizations to avoid artifacts and improve the overall look. Finally, the presenter shows how to create an asset from the particle system, allowing users to easily incorporate it into their own Blender projects.