A 3-day long, all-round live training course on the more technical subjects of Blender. From getting to know the Cycles render engine inside out to simulation systems and the allmighty Animation Nodes addon. We expect participants to already know Blender’s basics.
The BlenderDiplom Blog features test, doodles, previews for tutorials and various other things related to Blender.
As part of the official training program of the Blender Institute, Gottfried Hofmann will hold a training course on advanced FX in Blender 2.8 at the Blender Headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands from the first to the third of August 2019.
I'm just going to claim: "If you work with cycles on a fairly regular basis, you need The Cycles Encyclopedia." And here is why:
Hurray, the long-awaited update for The Cycles Encyclopedia is finally out. As promised it is free for every user who has already purchased the book. All updates refer to the official Blender 2.79b release. Here is what we added:
Blender 2.8 is in it's final stages of development. A lot has happend over the past year. Those used to the interface of Blender 2.7x might not even recognize their favorite 3D application anymore. Follow us on a journey through the development of the Blender 2.8 user interface.
Point Density Magical FX, our training- and template-package for point density textures in Cycles received a free update. Version 1.1 includes an all-new effect that allows you to set your logo on fire in a really stylish way. But there is more to it...
I recently started working on a new showreel. After creating a few new scenes, I started rummaging through my Blendfile folder to see if there was some unfinished stuff that I could use.